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Dunkel, Mario, « “It Should Always Be a Give-and-Take” : The Transformation of West German Music Diplomacy in the 1960s », European Journal of Musicology, vol. 16, no 1, 2017, p. 191-207.
Dunkel, Mario, « “Jazz—Made in Germany” and the Transatlantic Beginnings of Jazz Diplomacy », dans Rebekah Susannah Ahrendt, Mark Ferraguto et Damien Mahiet (dir.), Music and Diplomacy from the Early Modern Era to the Present, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, p. 147-168.
Dunkel, Mario, « Music Education and the Production of Prestige : West German Music Diplomacy in South Vietnam (1960-1968) », dans International Relations Are Acoustic : Let’s Listen!, numéro thématique de Arts and International Affairs, vol. 3, no 2, 2018, https://theartsjournal.net/2018/10/24/dunkel.