Europe occidentale–Angleterre


Fiches (8)

Bullivant, Joanna, « “A World of Marxist Orthodoxy”? Alan Bush’s Wat Tyler in Great Britain and the German Democratic Republic », dans Pauline Fairclough (dir.), Twentieth-Century Music and Politics : Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds, Londres, Routledge, 2016 [2013], p. 7-21.

Duncan, Stewart, « “An Excellent Piece of Propaganda” : The British Council’s Use of Choirs as Cultural Diplomacy in the 1930s », The Musical Quarterly, vol. 105, nos 1-2, 2022, p. 105-150.

Everist, Mark, « Opera, Soft Power, and Anglo-French Relations in the Crimea (1855-1856) », dans Cristina Scuderi et Ingeborg Zechner (dir.), Opera as Institution : Networks and Professions (1730-1917), Berlin, LIT Verlag Münster, 2019, p. 95-118.

Fairclough, Pauline, « Détente to Cold War : Anglo-Soviet Musical Exchanges in the Late Stalin Period », dans Pauline Fairclough (dir.), Twentieth-Century Music and Politics : Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds, Londres, Routledge, 2016 [2013], p. 37-56.

Levi, Erik, « “Those damn foreigners” : Xenophobia and British Musical Life During the First Half of the Twentieth Century », dans Pauline Fairclough (dir.), Twentieth-Century Music and Politics : Essays in Memory of Neil Edmunds, Londres, Routledge, 2016 [2013], p. 81-96.

Nathaus, Klaus, « Music in Transnational Transfers and International Competitions : Germany, Britain and the US in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries », dans Mario Dunkel et Sina A. Nitzsche (dir.), Popular Music and Public Diplomacy : Transnational and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Bielefeld, Transcript, 2018, p. 29-48.

Pérez de Arcos, Marina, « Education, Intelligence and Cultural Diplomacy at the British Council in Madrid, 1940-1941. Part 1 : Founding a School in Troubled Times », Bulletin of Spanish Studies, vol. 98, no 4, 2021, p. 527-555; « [...] Part 2 : Shock Troops in the War of Ideas », Bulletin of Spanish Studies, vol. 98, no 5, 2021, p. 707-738.

Pestel, Friedemann, « First Concerts on the International Stage : The British Comebacks of the Vienna and Berlin Philharmonics in 1947/48 », dans Anaïs Fléchet , Martin Guerpin, Philippe Gumplowicz et Barbara L. Kelly (dir.) Music and Postwar Transitions in the 19th and 20th Centuries, New York, Berghahn Books, 2023, p. 54-79.