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Chernavsky, Analía, « The “Dança da Terra Issue” (1943) : Heitor Villa-Lobos and the Vargas Dictatorship », dans Esteban Buch, Igor Contreras Zubillaga, Manuel Deniz Silva (dir.), Composing for the State : Music in Twentieth-Century Dictatorships, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, p. 32-50.
Langenkamp, Harm, « Conflicting Dreams of Global Harmony in US-PRC Silk Road Diplomacy », dans Rebekah Susannah Ahrendt, Mark Ferraguto et Damien Mahiet (dir.), Music and Diplomacy from the Early Modern Era to the Present, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, p. 83-100.
Yang, Hon-Lun, « Unravelling The East Is Red (1964) : Socialist Music and Politics in the People’s Republic of China », dans Esteban Buch, Igor Contreras Zubillaga et Manuel Deniz Silva (dir.), Composing for the State : Music in Twentieth-Century Dictatorships, Abingdon, Routledge, 2016, p. 51-68.