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Carniel, Jess, « Nation Branding, Cultural Relations and Cultural Diplomacy at Eurovision : Between Australia and Europe », dans Julie Kalman, Ben Wellings et Keshia Jacotine (dir.), Eurovisions : Identity and the International Politics of the Eurovision Song Contest since 1956, Singapore, Springer Nature, 2019, p. 151-173.
Gan Quesada, Germán, « Músicas para después de una guerra… Compromisos, retiradas y resistencias en la creación musical catalana del primer franquismo », dans Pilar Ramos López (dir.), Discursos y prácticas musicales nacionalistas (1900-1970), Logroño, Universidad La Rioja, 2012, p. 277-299.
Parus-Jankowska, Magdalena, « Polish Music Festivals as a Tool of Socialist Propaganda », dans Jan Blüml, Yvetta Kajanová et Rüdiger Ritter (dir.), Popular Music in Communist and Post-Communist Europe, Berlin, Peter Lang, 2019, p. 125-133.
Şahin, Nevin, « Dervish on the Eurovision Stage : Popular Music and the Heterogeneity of Power Interests in Contemporary Turkey », dans Mario Dunkel et Sina A. Nitzsche (dir.), Popular Music and Public Diplomacy : Transnational and Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Bielefeld, Transcript, 2018, p. 69-92.
Vuletic, Dean, « The Eurovision Song Contest in the Musical Diplomacy of Authoritarian States », dans Frédéric Ramel et Cécile Prévost-Thomas (dir.), International Relations, Music and Diplomacy : Sounds and Voices on the International Stage, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, p. 213-234.
Wilken, Lisanne, « The Eurovision Song Contest as Cultural Diplomacy during the Cold War : Transmitting Western Attractiveness », dans Óscar José Martín García et Rósa Magnúsdóttir (dir.), Machineries of Persuasion : European Soft Power and Public Diplomacy During the Cold War, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2019, p. 171-190.